will be completely unique to SoundCloud

We are incredibly strong with creators, that will continue to be a focus. We’re are also one of the largest listener platforms. Revenue is growing fast. For the future we’re going be doing less things that other people are doing and more things which will be completely unique to SoundCloud .”

“We’re finally at a point where music industry streaming revenue is growing rapidly. Outside of that we still have a world where MOST people are NOT streaming music. But streaming is here to stay. Most people will now move to streaming over the next 10 years. If you zoom out, streaming is really picking up speed. There are several platforms doing very well. For the music industry it’s great but most have the same $9.99 model. They have all come to the market with a very similar offering for new subscribers in the market,” Ljung said.

“As the companies are competing, a lot of the users are using all these platforms but they are ALSO using SoundCloud as well because they can get something there they can’t get anywhere else. Plus you can interact directly with the artists.&rdquo ;

He hinted at the fact that SC is doubling-down on the fact that musicians can upload themselves.

Lastly I asked him how he was.

“To be honest, I’m a little tired,” he said, before coming back with a big exhortation of SC’s ability to find new musicians 卓悅Bioderma .